Inspired by the classics like Atari’s Keystone Kapers, chase thieves around the town and THROUGH TIME!

Natural Disasters is a Survival Top-down game, where the player needs to escape from natural disasters such as an erupting volcano, tornado, tsunami, etc.

Faster Fast Food is a multiplayer cooking game for two players. The dispute will be constant, as it will be one list of orders for two sellers. Whoever does it first gets the money.

PigNapping: In a colorful and calm forest, there is PIGSLAND, where pigs live happily, but on a beautiful day, KING WOLF decides to kidnap all the pigs in the forest to guarantee their food for the rest of their lives.

Turtly - A Beach Fight! It is a game about a turtle that will fight against all the garbage dumped on the beach.
The goal is to be able to clean the beach by fighting soda can monsters, plastic bottle monsters and avoiding plastic bags when diving into the depths of the sea.